About ET: Legacy
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free multiplayer first-person shooter. Set during World War II and heavily focused on team work, it was initially released in 2003 by Splash Damage and id Software. More than a decade after its release, after spending countless hours of escorting tanks and trucks, stealing gold and radar parts and transmitting confidential documents, it was time to dust off the game which consistently refused to go down.
ET: Legacy is an open source project based on the code of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released in 2010 under the terms of GPLv3 license. We do appreciate any contribution to the project such as patches, suggestions or comments.
Many thanks to Splash Damage for their release of the source code, raedwulf-et (especially Ralph Eastwood) & Unvanquished for our code base and ioQuake3 for their patches (especially /dev/humancontroller). Kudos!
Also thanks to JetBrains for
providing licences for their products.
ET:Legacy is currently developed and maintained with
JetBrain products, including
Clion and IntelliJ.
Visit our channel #etlegacy on Libera.chat or join our Discord
forget to read Frequently
Asked Questions before posting.
Ready to play. Install it. Run it. Have fun!
There are two aspects to this project:
An updated game engine, ET: Legacy, which aims to fix bugs and security exploits, remove old dependencies, add useful features and modernize its graphics while still remaining compatible with ET 2.60b and as many of its mods as possible.
A new mod, Legacy, which aims to add many useful features and improvements while staying close to the original gameplay, as well as being lightweight and extensible through Lua scripts.
- Many bug and security fixes of the GPL code release (f.e. DDOS protection)
- New useful cvars and functions (must read!)
- Client now based on SDL2, a cross-platform multimedia library
- Compatibility with almost every 2.60b mod (exception: ET:L server works with ETPro, ET:L client doesn’t)
- Fast client built-in minimizer
- Integrated IRC client
- SQL dbms support
- Raw mouse input support
- Linux client sound without any hacks
- Speed optimizations
- Deprecated code removed (codebase is lighter by 33%!)
- Updated ancient dependencies
- OGG Vorbis client support
- JPEG-Turbo client support
- Translation support of clients
- Generated client GUIDs
- 128 MB com_hunkmegs default value
- Expanded et:// protocol
- Client auto updates
- Coloured output in the system console (*nix based systems only)
- Separate install and user data paths
- No admin priviledges needed after install
- Separated install and download folder
- Clean command to polish the download folder and getting rid of unwanted menu and pk3 files
- Easy to run installer to get you in battle in no time
- New OpenGL 3.2 renderer (available soon)
- ... and many more features!
- Lua scripting with SQL support
- Menu additionals
- Omni-Bot support (installer included)
- WolfAdmin game manager support (installer included)
- Server side Lua scripting
- Extended UI
- Additional weapons
- New bayesian skill rating system
- Competition configs
- More fireteam functions
- Zinx etpro antiwarp
- Ingame translations
- Gametype 6 - map voting
- Vanilla mod bug fixes (callvote exploit fix, remap shader fix, all the fixes from Project: Bugfix ...)
- Country flags
- Force client cvars
- Extended ETPro map scripting
- Fixed weapon stats
- Config string optimizations
- Ingame objective display
- ETPro like spawntimers
- Visible leaning
- Custom HUDs
- UI Serverbrowser reworked
- Filters non ET:Legacy compatible servers (ETPro & PB)
- Working favourite server management
- New filters
- Shows human & bot players separately when ET: L server is used
- Working AA-gun - mappers have a look at 'misc_aagun'
- Reactivated multi view
- Extended demo viewer
- New assets
- ... and many more features!
For more details, see our complete Changelog.
The ET: Legacy Team

Jan 'Radegast' Šimek
Project Founder, retired

Almighty Developer, retired

Jere 'Jacker' S.
Almighty Developer

Olaf 'IR4TA' R.
Almighty developer, retired

Konrad 'morsik' Mosoń
Website, Coding & Scripts

Rafal 'RaFaL' Pawlak
Almighty developer, Android support

Cedric 'Kemon' E.
2D Artist, Mapping & Marketing

Ron 'C..' D.
Almighty developer, retired

Arnaud 'Aranud' Marty
Almighty developer

Are 'Thunder' Kristiansen
Artist, retired



Almighty Developer

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We are still hiring
- no payment -
just glory and fame :P
Contributors and helping hands
See our Hall of Fame.