ET: Legacy

ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game

ET: Legacy Team Blog

ET: Legacy 2.83.2 - Mom it's working!!!

We are please to announce a new patch version: ET: Legacy 2.83.2 'Mom, It's working!!!' For a full list of changes, please check the changelog


This patch version comes with mainly bug fixes and the following highlighed changes:


  • Using a color without specifing transparency was turning the color invisible.
  • On Windows, the resolution take in consideration the DPI set on OS level. This mean, on wider screen if you are using a zoom level different of 100%, it will now scale properly the windows.


  • Application no longer require you to make sure you are running in Fullscreen Borderless mode and you can use default Fullscreen Settings thus making big change in Quality of Life/Use and expanding System Bar App is not minimizing itself.
  • There was issue with newer version of Android Devices 10+ when connecting to the server with older versions/snapshots. You were not able to connect. Due too Android changes in Security Restrictions limiting loading .so files from external storage it was not a case with Internal Storage which app has full access.
  • Previous Permissions required some rewriting to work with newer Android Versions 10+. When running in Android 11 you are welcomed with Permission Request for allowing access to modify/read/write file in external storage.
  • Let us separate pak0/1/2/3 files with rest of the downloaded/copied pk3 files. This makes application/game load maps/connecting to the server faster. Rest of the files are stored in External Storage/Documents/etlegacy.
  • Finally Fixing issue with permissions fixed this long hanging issue with watching your own/someone other demos. Now you can watch them easily by using Replays Menu of course those demos and required pk3 files needs to be copied into External Storage/Documents/etlegacy/legacy/demos and External Storage/Documents/etlegacy/legacy/dlcache

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed a crash where non-client trigering a door movement was playing a player animation
  • Restored implicit linking of entities via create without reusing an existing bmodel, which is used in some mapscripts


  • Fixed incorrect objective touch trigger was taking up item when out of range
  • Prevented /kill command when spawnshield is active


  • Fixed tracers displaying incorrectly while spectating player
  • Fixed various 1st person hand animation quirks


  • Fixed debriefing scoreboard was parsing incorect data set
  • Fixed players name/health crosshair draw time instant fade out
  • Allowed cg_customCrosshair to be moved with cg_crosshairX/Y cvars
  • Fixed cursorhint text and bar was draw on entity without a valid value
  • Fixed crosshair selection wasn't possible for some crosshairs
  • Fixed missing shader for some crosshairs
  • Fixed missing crosshair draw in menu option

NOTE: Check crosshair menu to discover all the missing crosshair which has been implemented previously, such as : Vertical line with a dot, X with a dot, Square stroke or Dot cross


  • Fixed regression with scoped weapon, which create inconcistency with vanilla experience

As always, a huge thank you to all of your contributions, whether they are reports, suggestions, pull requests or self-made cookies. We are grateful for your continued support!


written by Aranud 3 weeks ago

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