ET: Legacy

ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game

ET: Legacy Team Blog

ETL Special Delivery

It's time for a release of a new ET:Legacy map overhaul! After a test period with the ET:Legacy Competitive discord, the time has come for a public release of ETL Special Delivery!

ETL Special Delivery

Originally created by Apple and GW, with the Tournament Edition modifications done by jump3r, eiM and Snake, this map has been a staple of both the competitive scene and public servers since it's release in 2008. With a fresh coat of paint applied by Aciz along with few minor gameplay adjustments, we hope you'll enjoy this refreshed version of the old classic!

Notable changes from the original

  • Overhauled visuals and lighting
  • Significantly improved VIS
  • Axis lookout towers at first stage now require you to be standing in order to shoot out of
    • A small box was added in each of them that still allows crouched shooting
  • The loading doors at trucks no longer open if a gold has been delivered to them - only the required door(s) open
  • Artillery/airstrikes can no longer be called right next to the trucks
  • Forward bunker flag is moved slightly closer to the back wall to allow for more space for gunfights inside the bunker

For a complete changelog, please see the readme inside the pk3.

Download the map here

Download Omni-Bot waypoints here

For any issues and feedback, don't hesitate to contact Aciz over at the ET:Legacy discord.

Comparison 1

Comparison 2

Comparison 3

Comparison 4

Comparison 5

Comparison 6

Comparison 7

written by Aciz 3 years ago

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'Frostbite, by Moonkey' v13

Right, so 'Frostbite, by Moonkey' v12, unfortunately, was a complete blunder so the disaster below is what we had to endure. Apologies that it took so long to release a fix for it, but nonetheless, this version should get 'Frostbite, by Moonkey' back on track and playable on your servers. If you encounter other issues, please let us know, so they can be addressed in due time.


Please find the download link and additional information here


  • Fixed fully caulked terrain brushes. (Thank you woju and spyhawk for reporting)
  • Fixed missing tree shader. (Thank you woju and spyhawk for reporting)


written by Kemon 3 years ago

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New updates for map overhauls

You get a new version and You get a new version....

You know the drill. All currently available ET: Legacy map overhauls have received new versions to fix a few minor things.

'Bergen, by Detoeni' (v6)


  • Fixed spawnslot getting stuck in forward flag spawn. (Thanks to ETc.Jay for reporting)
  • Adjusted clipping at side entrance to prevent players camping above the door.
  • Reworked system to secure flag to be less complex and more easily understandable. Allies now only need to hold the flag for 30s.

>>> Read more and download here

'Frostbite, by Moonkey' (v12)


  • Moved flying lamp models to be attached to girder in Axis garage. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Adjusted player collision on cliff near transmitter to prevent glitching on the roof. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Improved lighting in balcony hallway at inner courtyard.
  • Fixed player collision on the Axis CP. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Adjusted shader for winter trees to prevent overwriting default shaders on other maps. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)

>>> Read more and download here

'Ice, by id software' (v6)


  • Fixed side wall cm icon being upside down in vanilla ET due to incorrect field order in .tga. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Adjusted terrain clipping to be a bit less aggressive. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Removed common/slick at tunnel exits. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)
  • Improved lighting at Allied CP.
  • Adjusted shader for winter trees to prevent overwriting default shaders on other maps. (Thank you Aciz for reporting)

>>> Read more and download here

'Supply Depot, by ginc' (v4)


  • Re-added 'Truck is in position' line as announcement. (Thank you SAP for reporting)
  • Added satchel exploit fix for crane controls. (Thank you jobhh for reporting)
  • Add optional spawn cabinets. (Thank you Dmxj for requesting)
  • Fixed speaker pointing to incorrect sound file.

>>> Read more and download here

written by Kemon 3 years ago

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